Wegmans SCAN App

Strategy: Raise awareness of the Wegmans Scan App through a social media campaign that will lead to an increase in app downloads, ultimately driving consumers to Wegmans to shop for groceries.

Insight: The audience are avid social media users, who enjoy relatable and funny content that they can share with their friends. They are very busy, but when they take the time to relax and scroll through social media they often enjoy reading about current events, helpful lifestyle tips, searching for new DIY projects, or light hearted relatable content to take their mind off of their hectic life for a moment.

Idea: Create a series of relatable and humorous shopping tips for Instagram. Each tip will be resolved by downloading the Wegmans SCAN App. Use humor to create shareable content so that the audience doesn’t feel as though they are being advertised too. Each caption is complete with a #WegmansSCANapp to raise awareness and drive downloads.